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Brazilian Cities:
Geotechnology Readiness for Smart City Solutions


Brazil is looking forward to have smart cities.

Conquered by the potentials of technology applied to the urban machine, our country has realized that, around the world, several countries have found possible, interesting and usable solutions to most of our urban problems.

The Brazilian people are increasingly aware that the bottlenecks of the public sector could be largely reduced with the optimization of urban resources and services, currently possible through the new technologies.

However, optimizing is not the only attraction for our country. The contact with innovative concepts of cities made us realize that an adequate and orchestrated set of innovations can also significantly improve our quality of life and meet the most important needs of present and future generations.

There is a sense that we are envisioning a mechanism designed for real improvement in governance, security and public administration, health, education, urban mobility, energy efficiency, sanitation, tourism, economy, rural production, environment, etc.

News about successful and elegant international initiatives, combined with the possibility of reproduction in Brazilian territory due to free and interoperable technologies, made the concept even more interesting.

Added to this is the fact that many of the proposed solutions are prepared jointly by teams organized in universities, companies and governments, through applied science and living laboratories, producing a type of foundation on which our current society is convinced to base itself.

Faced with this scenario, Brazil yearns for its own experience.

Many municipalities have already launched initiatives, creating solutions for different sectors.

However, many difficulties have already been identified and require smart strategies to be dealt with.

Because of this, FUNCATE, which operates in the area of geoprocessing with both urban and environmental applications, perceived an opportunity in the moment we are in and decided to investigate the state of readiness of Brazilian municipalities for the geospatial technological immersion necessary for the implementation of smart city solutions.

Analysis Methodology

Research of municipalities, each individually, over the internet, looking for evidence of the use of geotechnologies. The municipalities for which this was found comprised the USig (GIS Universe) category.

Official data such as population, MHDI, GDP, GDP per capita and internet access indicators, formed the basis for the analyzes carried out.

Previous Results

The set of municipalities with the highest degree of similarity in relation to the USig municipalities and which show a propensity to adopt intelligent solutions were selected as result of this study

To this date, the study, still in progress, found 640 municipalities ready to accept the coupling of new technologies and interoperate at the interorganizational, intercity, interstate and international levels, in view of the emerging international standards for the smart cities concept.

In isolation for the state of São Paulo, the study has found 222 municipalities that formed the map below:


Lopes, L. F.; Santos,C.P.F., 2020. Cidades Brasileiras: Prontidão em Geotecnologias para Soluções de Cidades Inteligentes. Em preparação.

Agradecimentos aos colaboradores: Adriana Scolastrici, Edgard Bontempo, Eric Abreu, Fernanda Seidl, Flávia Aragão, Luciana Moreira, Mário Pettinati, Monica Tatiane, Tassiana Segantine e Vanildes Ribeiro.


Av. Dr. João Guilhermino, 429 - 11° Andar - Edifício Saint James - Centro - São José dos Campos - SP
Tel.: (12) 3925-1345